April 2016, Volume 16, Number 2
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Martin PETRVALSKY - Miloš DRUTÁROVSKY - Michal VARCHOLA COMPACT FPGA HARDWARE PLATFORM FOR POWER ANALYSIS ATTACKS ON CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS IMPLEMENTATIONS [full paper] In this paper, we present a compact hardware platform for power analysis attacks such as a differential power analysis attack. The
board is equipped with FPGA chip (namely Altera Cyclone III) and four different measurement points. We provide hardware details of
the presented platform and we thoroughly present each of the points dedicated for power consumption measurements. They are used
for an extraction of vulnerable information through the power counsumption measured during cryptographic operations. In addition,
we provide an example of the power analysis attack based on the differential power analysis. We show properties of the board using
attacks on straightforward AES S-box operations and on scalable multiplications in the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.
Bohumil BRTNÍK - David MATOUŠEK CORRECTION OF THE ATTENUATION OF THE LOW-PASS BIQUAD IN THE CURRENT MODE BASED ON PROTOTYPE IN VOLTAGE MODE [full paper] The second order Sallen-Key low-pass filter structures have one disadvantage in the voltage and current mode, it is a decreasing
of the attenuation in the stopband. This fact is caused by losses of the amplification factor of active elements at high frequencies.
Some solutions of this problem had been already published for circuits working in the voltage mode. This article presents one of the
possible solutions of this problem for circuits working in the current mode.
Tibor BRUNNER - Norbert PATAKI - Zoltán PORKOLÁB BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY VIOLATIONS AND THEIR DETECTION IN C++ LEGACY CODE USING STATIC ANALYSIS [full paper] Programming languages evolve as the need for higher abstraction level increases. To satisfy these needs, languages introduce new
features, which are usually additional elements, but many times these are not orthogonal to the existing ones. The C++ programming
language is planned with backward compatibility kept in mind between particular releases. However, some of the new features introduced
by C++11, like move semantics or multi-threading required the change of the standard library API and this leads to deviation
in the meaning of existing programs. In this article we draw the attention on some of these semantic changes and provide a tool for
automatically detecting them.
Slavomír KARDOŠ - Alena PIETRIKOVÁ EVALUATION OF MOTOR OIL CHARACTERISTICS AND DEGRADATION FACTORS FOR POSSIBILITIES OF CONTINUOUS DIAGNOSTICS [full paper] An increasing interest for monitoring of motor oils condition is devoted by automotive producers and researchers. Many studies
are concerned to problematics of degradation factors and diagnostics. There is an increasing variety of sensors and systems for realtime
monitoring of material characteristics. Utilization of such sensors is efficient for monitoring of motor oil aging. Using
experimental samples a specific behaviour of motor oil was evaluated by study of degradation processes throughout the life cycle of
engine oil. The key parameters – kinematic viscosity, dielectric constant and specific conductivity were examined for better
understanding of ongoing degradation processes that take place in engine motor oil. These characteristics are discussed and they
are the background for continuous diagnostics.
Miroslav MIKITA - Michal KOLCUN - Martin VOJTEK - Michal ŠPES SIZING OPTIMIZATION OF PV-BATTERY HYBRID FOR PUBLIC LIGHTING SYSTEM [full paper] This paper deals about sizing of hybrid renewable source application to supply power for public lighting system for entire village
without connection to the electrical grid. Such hybrid renewable power systems are suitable in remote area where grid connection is
unavailable or connection to grid is expensive. Hybrid system in this paper consists from photovoltaic power plant and large battery
bank to storage electricity. Battery bank is supposed to be large because time when electricity is needed is completely different from
time when photovoltaic power plant produce power from sun.
Peter GIROVSKÝ CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR BASED ON NEURAL ESTIMATOR [full paper] The paper deals with a sensorless control of induction motor based on neural network estimators. In the paper are presented
simulation and results of designing neural estimators for observing the rotor magnetic current and the motor angular speed. The
neural estimators of rotor magnetic current and angular speed for induction motor field oriented control were designed in MATLABSimulink.
Controllers for simulation of shaft sensorless field oriented control have been designed by state space method.
Jaroslav DUDRIK - Marek PÁSTOR - Milan LACKO - Róbert ŽATKOVIČ ZVZCS PWM DC-DC CONVERTER WITH CONTROLLED SECONDARY RECTIFIER FOR ARC WELDING [full paper] A zero-voltage, zero-current switching (ZVZCS) PWM DC-DC power converter with secondary active rectifier tested as a dc
current source for arc welding is described in this paper. The soft switching DC-DC converter consists of high frequency inverter,
high frequency power transformer and controlled output rectifier with new secondary energy recovery turn-off snubber. Circulating
current in the converter is reduced by using active rectifier and rms value of the current in secondary switches is decreased by
utilizing a novel control algorithm. The experimental results of a 4.5 kW DC-DC converter working at switching frequency of 100
kHz are presented.
M’hamed BIRAME - Sid Ahmed BESSEDIK - Lakhdar MOKRANI - Mohamed Fouad BENKHORIS OPTIMAL GAIN OF PI SPEED CONTROLLER IN RELUCTANCE SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR USING PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION [full paper] This paper presents a new direct torque control (DTC) strategy for Synchronous Reluctance Motor using the particle swarm
optimization (PSO) algorithm. In conventional direct torque controlled (DTC) Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SRM), there is
usually undesired torque and flux ripple. So Tuning parameter of the PI-Controller (Kp, Ki) are essential to DTC system to improve
the performance of the system. In this work, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to adjust the parameters (Kp, Ki) of the
speed controller in order to improve the performance of the system, and run the machine at reference speed.
Edita KOLÁŘOVÁ - Lubomír BRANČÍK COMPARING WHITE NOISE AND COLORED NOISE EFFECTS ON RLCG ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS [full paper] We deal with RLCG electrical circuits with randomly varied potential source parameter. To model the situation we use the theory
of stochastic differential equations, namely the Itˆo stochastic calculus. Our aim is to find the differences between the influences of the
white noise and the colored noise on RLCG electrical circuit. In our examples we compute and illustrate the deterministic solutions
and the corresponding confidence intervals for the stochastic solutions. Numerical simulations in the examples are carried out using