June 2002, Volume 2, Number 2

Rector's Preface on the 50th Anniversary of the Technical University of Košice Establishment
Sensitivity Analysis of Speed and Position Observers for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Model and Control of a Switched Reluctance Motor
The Multi - Motor Drive Model for Teaching in the Motion and Process Control Engineering
Mobile Emergency System
Piezoelectric Relaxor PZN-PT Based Actuator
Triboelectricity in Interiers, Air Humidity and Antistatic Treatment of Materials
Renewable Energy Sources and Power Engineering
Possibility of Using Deductive Rules in Analyse and Designing of Database Systems
Torque Sensor
Calculation of the Torque Ripple of the Two-Phase Synchronous Permanent Magnets Motor
Contribution to Models of Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition and Human Machine Interface
Binary Analysis of Center-Weighted Median Filters
Balanced Integrating Converter with Flip-Flop Sensor
  Príhovor rektora pri príležitosti 50. výročia založenia Technickej univerzity v Košiciach

Rok 2002 je významným pre celú Technickú univerzitu v Košiciach. Bolo to v roku 1952, kedy došlo k založeniu Vysokej školy technickej v Košiciach. Aj keď to nebol prvý pokus o založenie vysokej školy technickej orientácie na území Košíc – prvý sa uskutočnil v roku 1937 – bol to však pokus, ktorého dôsledky úspešne pretrvávajú už 50 rokov. Jednou zo zakladajúcich fakúlt vtedajšej Vysokej školy technickej v Košiciach bola Fakulta ťažkého strojárstva. Jej súčasťou sa stala aj Katedra elektrotechniky, ktorej vedúcim bol známy odborník z oblasti elektrických pohonov a rozvodov elektrickej energie prof. Ing. František Poliak. Jeho silná osobnosť, vychádzajúca z praktických skúseností získaných počas dlhoročného pôsobenia v praxi ako aj jeho presvedčenie, že Vysoká škola technická v Košiciach sa postupne vyvinula na kvalitnú vysokoškolskú inštitúciu viedli k tomu, že už od roku 1965 sa začalo hovoriť o založení Elektrotechnickej fakulty. Výstavba Východoslovenských železiarní s množstvom elektrických pohonov, rozširujúca sa sieť elektrických rozvodov plošne po celej východnej časti vtedajšej Československej republiky, rozvoj počítačovej techniky ako predpokladu pre rozvoj novej, modernej oblasti – informatiky, nezadržateľný prienik moderných telekomunikačných techník aj v podmienkach krajín Východnej Európy - to boli všetko podporné argumenty tak pre prof. Poliaka, ako aj pre vtedajšie vedenie Vysokej školy technickej na to, aby proces založenia Elektrotechnickej fakulty netrval dlho. Vďaka pochopeniu vtedajšieho dekana Strojníckej fakulty prof. doktora, ktorý mal veľmi dobré osobné vzťahy s prof. Poliakom, sa v školskom roku 1967/1968 zapísali na Strojnícku fakultu VŠT prví študenti v odbore elektrotechnika. Garanciu ich štúdia prevzala Katedra elektrotechniky. V roku 1969 došlo k oficiálnemu založeniu Elektrotechnickej fakulty Vysokej školy technickej ako jej štvrtej fakulty. Prvým dekanom fakulty bol práve prof. Ing. František Poliak, čo bolo zárukou toho, že rozvojové plány fakulty sa budú rýchlo realizovať a fakulta sa stane kvalitnou súčasťou jej Alma mater. V roku 1972 ukončili štúdium prví absolventi Elektrotechnickej fakulty. Toto je aj príležitosť na to, aby si v jubilejnom roku našej Technickej univerzity pripomenula naša, teraz už Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky, 30 rokov od promócie jej prvých absolventov. Pre mňa je táto príležitosť tiež veľmi významná. Mal som to šťastie, že som sa mohol tejto prvej promócie osobne zúčastniť a to aj napriek tomu, že som bol vtedy ešte študentom Strojníckej fakulty. Promovala vtedy aj mladá šarmantná dáma, ktorá sa neskôr stala mojou manželkou. Teda moje osobné vzťahy k Fakulte elektrotechniky a informatiky sú aj v dôsledku tejto skutočnosti veľmi silné.

To, že pri založení Elektrotechnickej fakulty boli významné osobnosti malo určite vplyv aj na to, že sa fakulta intenzívne rozvíjala a to ako kvantitatívne tak aj v oblasti kvality. Postupne rozširovala študijné odbory, stala sa garantom rozvoja výpočtovej techniky na pôde vysokej školy a neskôr aj rozvoja informatiky a informatizácie. Pre rozvoj fakulty bola významná spolupráca s podnikmi z oblastí výroby a rozvodu elektrickej energie, riadiacich a regulačných systémov, telekomunikácii, projektovania informačných systémov a to tak v rámci spoločnej Československej republiky alebo neskôr Slovenskej republiky, ale aj so zahraničnými firmami pôsobiacimi v Slovenskej republike. V súčasnej dobe patrí Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky k lídrom vo väčšine odborov, ktoré rozvíja. Jej orientácia na riešenie zahraničných projektov jej umožňuje intenzívne rozvíjať spoluprácu so zahraničnými partnermi. Členovia akademickej obce fakulty sú súčasťou projektov Európskej únie, kde hlavne v programe COST sú dominujúcimi partnermi v rámci celej Slovenskej republiky. Absolventov fakulty je možné stretnúť nielen v riadiacich funkciách popredných firiem na Slovensku, ale aj vo významných politických funkciách našej mladej republiky.

Skutočnosť, že všetky študijné odbory Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky prešli úspešne akreditáciou je potvrdením toho, že kvalitná vedecká a výskumná činnosť členov akademickej obce fakulty je neodlučiteľnou súčasťou ich aktivít. Je to potvrdenie platnosti Humboltovho princípu spojenia vedy s univerzitným vzdelávaním. Kvalitná veda vytvára dobré podmienky pre kvalitné vysokoškolské vzdelávanie. Tým sa aktivizujú aj motivačné prvky pre mladú generáciu, ktorá sa rozhoduje o voľbe svojho vysokoškolského vzdelávania. Počet záujemcov o štúdium odborov, ktoré ponúka Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky je dôkazom toho, že o štúdium na fakulte je zo strany mladej nastupujúcej generácie veľký záujem. Určite je to aj tým, že fakulta zachytila trend rozvoja moderných odborov z oblasti informatiky, telekomunikácie a multimediálnych technológii ako aj iných odborov. Vysoko si vážim, že sa na fakulte rozvíjajú aj oblasti elektrotechniky, ktoré sú v súčasnosti pre našu spoločnosť bytostne dôležité, ale ktoré neoslovujú tak intenzívne mladú nastupujúcu technickú inteligenciu. Keďže je známy vývoj spoločnosti po stúpajúcej sínusoide, je postup vedenia fakulty prezieravý a to aj napriek tomu, že motivácia pracovníkov na katedrách s nízkym počtom študentov nie je vždy – z aspektu udržiavania kvality akademických aktivít – jednoduchá.

Fakultu elektrotechniky a informatiky považujem za neodlučiteľnú súčasť našej jubilujúcej Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. Je to nielen tým, ako som už uviedol, že mám k nej zvláštny osobný vzťah. Je to predovšetkým tým, že je to akademické pracovisko, ktorého profil nie je len monotematicky. V súčasnej dobe si nie je možné predstaviť skoro žiadnu oblasť života, ktorá by nejakým spôsobom nebola závislá na produktoch činnosti našej Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky. Preto som presvedčený o tom, že aj v rámci našej Technickej univerzity v Košiciach je pôsobenie fakulty multidisciplinárne čo vytvára dobré podmienky na to, aby aj v rámci našej Alma mater pôsobila ako integrujúci prvok. Multimédia, informatika – tak software ako aj hardware, oblasť efektívneho využívania energii to sú všetko oblasti, ktoré je možné uplatniť aj v akademických aktivitách všetkých pracovísk na Technickej univerzite v Košiciach. To je tiež jeden z dôvodov, prečo ste pre nás všetkých nepostrádateľní!

Dovoľte mi, aby som všetkým členom akademickej obce Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky Technickej univerzity v Košiciach vyjadril poďakovanie za všetko, čo pre rozvoj univerzity vykonali. Vedeniu fakulty ďakujem za jeho prístup k napĺňaniu programu rozvoja univerzity. Všetkým Vám želám pevné zdravie, kvalitné a motivujúce medziľudské vzťahy a veľa kreativity.

Košice, apríl 2002

Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc.
rektor TU v Košiciach

Sensitivity Analysis of Speed and Position Observers for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
[full paper]

In the paper three methods for speed and position estimation for the permanent magnet synchronous motor were described and compared. The first method is based on voltage differential equations of PMSM and the second one uses the reduced-order observer of Luenberger type. The third method uses the full-order extended observer. The rotor speed and position are estimated based on the line current measurements for the motor. The mathematical model of the vector-controlled drive system in Matlab-Simulink was used for simulation. All the estimation methods were compared and evaluated from the point of view of model sensitivity to the stator parameter changes.

Želmira FERKOVÁ - Ladislav ZBORAY - František ĎUROVSKÝ
Model and Control of a Switched Reluctance Motor
[full paper]

A switched reluctance motor is described by partial differential equations and the corresponding mathematical model is relatively complicated. Many methods trying to simplify it were published during last decades. This paper deals with one possible scheme convenient for bi-directional motor speed control. Non-linear functions of phase current and torque were modelled by means of look-up tables containing measured values. Mutual position of stator and rotor poles of a motor with pole ratio 3:2 repeats after each ninety degrees, therefore rotor angle and non-linear functions are calculated for this interval only. Logic unit enables timing of voltage pulses due to the required direction of rotation and braking. Simulation scheme was realised by means of the MATLAB programme. Time responses of rotor angle, speed, phase currents and torque were drawn at simulation and they are well matching with those obtained by measurement.

Daniela PERDUKOVÁ – Pavol FEDOR – Jaroslav TIMKO
The Multi - Motor Drive Model for Teaching in the Motion and Process Control Engineering
[full paper]

Technological line control with drives coupled by each other through moving web material is qualitative different from individual drive control because there is necessary to take into consideration their mutual couplings. Due to economical and practical reasons it is difficult to teach students in real working conditions and computer systems do not grant sufficient physical image of these systems. For these reasons the physical model for continuous material processing (web of paper, celluloid, tin, ...) has been built. Control system equipped with transputer module, which enables both education in the field of parallel process and education of programming equipment of this system, has been designed. The description of physical model and control system, some results of experimental measurements and possibilities of its utilisation in education are introduced in this paper.

Mobile Emergency System
[full paper]

The purpose of this article is to show, how new technologies can be easily adopted in the field of medicine. Medicine is a field everybody is concerned with. This is good reason for creating new practises in communication that will enhance the value of services. Especially those services, which can save one’s health or even life. We decided to do our bit in this field. We have created a mobile emergency system, which allows gaining information about injured person almost anywhere in the country. The information database can be accessed through GSM network using WAP protocol stack and mobile terminal as a client device. GSM and WAP are widely used technologies and are nowadays affordable for many people. The database holds patient information. This can help the pre-hospital medical personnel to deal with the injured person (e.g. after car crash, or if someone is found unconscious). Our effort tends to analyse what possibilities does this system bring and to create a working model that could eventually save lives.

Martin PUSTKA - Jaroslav NOSEK
Piezoelectric Relaxor PZN-PT Based Actuator
[full paper]

In the paper we study material properties of modern relaxor-based single crystals, which are important for the application in piezoelectric actuators and sensors. The research is limited to the representative system of Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)-PbTiO3 (PZN-PT). The crystal and domain structure is described and the difference between [001] and [111] poled and orientated crystals is mentioned. For the orientation along [111] direction, the strain is followed by depolarization, domain reorientation and strain saturation. The piezoelectric properties are poor. In contrast, [001] orientation is stable, it exhibits very large electromechanical coefficients and the strain is hysteresis-free. On a bar sample PZN-9%PT there are performed selected measurements using dynamic and static methods. There are determined parameters of the equivalent electric circuit and several coefficients like electromechanical coupling k33, elastic coefficient s33D and piezoelectric coefficient d33. The Michelson interferometer is used to study the behavior of the strain versus the electric field intensity. The design of a simple PZN-PT multilayer actuator is described. The piezoelectric actuator stabilizes the optical path of the interferometer. Presented project exhibits very low driving voltage followed by a high strain. The feedback of an optical system is simplified. In the final part discussion about methods used for determination of the electromechanical coupling coefficient k33 is presented.

Triboelectricity in Interiers, Air Humidity and Antistatic Treatment of Materials
[full paper]

Triboelectricity (triboelectric effect - abbreviation TEE) is not only an uncomfortable phenomenon in several industrial plants. Triboelectric effect takes places (sometimes strongly) in flats, offices, schoolrooms and other interiors. This article is arranged with respect to above listed type of interiors due to fact, that technical methods applied in the industry are not almost efficient in interiors. Brief list of most important types and methods of spontaneous charging of different bodies is presented in this article. It is shown that triboelectric effect has most notably influence. Problem of influence of humidity and temperature of the air on the humidity of matter is discussed. Influence of the air and the matter humidity on generation and development of triboelectric effect is described in the next part of the article. Elimination of undesirable triboelectric effect in non-industrial interiors is resulting from problem analysis. The aim of this paper is to refer to narrow connection of triboelectric effect with the humidity of air and materials and to methods how to eliminate or reduce the undesirable effects of TEE in non-productive interiors.

Jan ŠKORPIL - Zbyněk Martínek
Renewable Energy Sources and Power Engineering
[full paper]

This paper deals with the position of renewable energy sources for the electric power generation in Europe Union and in Czech Republic. Probably 75 % of global energy needs have been covered by non-renewable energy sources in this time - coal, oil, natural-gas and nuclear energy. Global energy consumption around the world has more than quadruplet since 1950. According to a 1998 estimate by the World Energy Council, economic and population growths will cause global energy consumption to rise from its present level of twenty billion metric tons of hard coal units to between nineteen and twenty-five billion metric tons of hard coal units in 2020. This situation is very unfavourable to environment. Climate protection has been identified as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. In the long term, a sustainable energy sector will have to manage without the fossil fuels. The basic components of future energy sources include all forms of solar power-photovoltaics,, solar-thermal, wind, hydro and even biomass, tidal energy and geothermal energy.

Possibility of Using Deductive Rules in Analyse and Designing of Database Systems
[full paper]

Theoretical development in the area of databases systems has been keeping its dynamics. One of its directions is unfolding the conception of derived data. Data is a valuable resource whose quality, consistency and robustness is very important and essential. This paper focuses on using of deductive approaches to analysis and design of IS. This approach can minimise huge amount of data with not loosing information, which is advantage for maintenance of databases. Another area that is concerned with this paper is possibility to define integrity constraint with deductive rules and improve expressive power of database languages . The paper deal mainly with deductive database specifics. Deductive databases are the outcome of the combination of logic programs and databases. They can potentially solve many problems in analysis, design, prototyping and implementation of databases and information systems. Deductive rules are in this paper demonstrated as a tool for derivation of classes/relations, derivation of attributes, views, for defining of integrity constraints. Deductive rules can be also useful for designing of query (this is not discussed topic of the paper). The paper is documented by a number of small examples which illustrate relation and object approach and which deal with classes, attributes and views. There are written in Chimera language.

Torque Sensor
[full paper]

The article describes principle, function,and design of elastomagnetic torque sensor realized at our department. The basic measuring apparatus and output characteristics at various input supply are analysed.The substitute circuit model of the sensor is determimed from measured data of input values for all torque measured range. The substitute functions for output characteristics were stated and chosen the most linear and nonlinear characteristic taking into consideration coefficient of reliability. As well the coefficient of the power transmission from input to output of the sensor was determined depending on field current values.

Calculation of the Torque Ripple of the Two-Phase Synchronous Permanent Magnets Motor
[full paper]

The paper deals with a new type of an electronically commuted two-phase salient pole permanent magnet synchronous motor. Permanent magnet machines are attracting growing attention for a wide variety of industrial and household applications for many reasons. The excitation of the machine is provided by permanent magnets, brushes and slip rings are eliminated, therefore resulting in a simple structure. The motor is fed from a single semiconductor voltage-source inverter with a rectangular output voltage. The waveform of the voltage is controlled by a microcomputer. Microcomputer control frequency starting of the motor too. From the finite element analysis the characteristics of this new motor type were utilized.In presented paper an analytical method for the determination of motor currents and torque is presented. From the calculated equations the torque ripple for a rectangular voltage feeding is determined and the comparisons between the calculated and measured values are given.

Contribution to Models of Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition and Human Machine Interface
[full paper]

This article is dealing with systems called SCADA/HMI - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition/Human Machine Interface, known as visualization systems as well. It contributes to a discussion about models of complex ICS - information and control systems and within their framework mainly about logical and physical models of SCADA/HMI systems. The emphasis is placed on their software and communication parts with the aim to integrate and distribute their functions in ICS. It demonstrates their use on one of the applications within the framework of a model workshop for a complex ICS and selected control systems– a heat system and portal crane. Physical software architecture is built on the basis of DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange and ODBC - Open Database Connectivity communication technologies. User interface with ActiveX controls and ASP - Active Server Pages is available to clients of Internet network, and this enables remote supervisory control with process visualization.

Rastislav LUKÁČ
Binary Analysis of Center-Weighted Median Filters
[full paper]

This paper focuses on the binary analysis of the center-weighted median (CWM) filters. This subclass of nonlinear stack filters is based on minimal positive Boolean functions (PBFs), the complexity of which depends on two parameters only, such as a window size and a weight of the central sample. It can be easily seen that the complexity of PBFs corresponding with CWMs increases with the increasing window size and the central weight. The above mentioned fact makes the implementation of CWMs in practical applications rather complicated. In order to simplify the implementation, a new analysis, based on the determination of binary outputs according to the configuration of ones and zeros inside binary input sets, is provided. By this way, the outputs of binary filters are practically known at once with no PBF generation and the calculation of binary operations. The achieved simplification is described in the form of the elementary expressions, where the binary value of the central sample and a number of the ones in its neighbourhood play the key role. Thus, the proposed method makes the implementation of CWM filters more flexible, since it is possible to extend it for the arbitrary combination of the window size and the central weight.

Balanced Integrating Converter with Flip-Flop Sensor
[full paper]

This paper deals with a new type of the system for measurement of a non-electrical quantity. Design method enables to compensate influences of parasitic sources. A simple and successful design of a balanced integrating converter with flip-flop sensor is presented. Proposed system enables to measure light intensity. A photodiode was used as sensor, in the scheme represented by a current source and diode. The measuring system is working in two tacts. The effect of parasitic sources is compensated in first tact and a non-electrical quantity, in our case light intensity, is measured in second tact. The theoretical results are compared with simulations in PSPICE and good agreement is reported.



    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic

    Reg. No.: EV 2921/09,
    thematic group B1,
    ISSN 1335-8243
    The editorial board assumes no responsibility for damages suffered due to use of acts, methods, products, instructions for use or other ideas published by the article authors whatsoever.
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