December 2003, Volume 3, Number 4

The Multi-Agent Approach to Supply Chain Management Optimization
Advanced Knowledge Technologies for e-Government
Throughput Performance of Selected ARQ Schemes in Radio Channel Conditions
Geographical Data Processing Using Interpolation Methods and Parallel Computer System
Application of Statistical Methods in the Analysis of the Acoustic Emission Signals Generated by Partial Discharges
Evaluation of the Influence of the Parameters of the Propagation Path of the Acoustic Emission Pulses Generated by Partial Discharges on the Results of Their Frequency Analysis
Rise of Partial Discharges in the Wall Bushing and Their Elimination

The Short-Circuit Strain of the Power Transformers Windings
Simplified Equivalent Circuit of Electrodynamic Feeder in Heating and Pumping Regimes
Dynamic Security Assessment in the Open Market Environment
Thanh-Tung DANG - Baltazár FRANKOVIČ - Ivana BUDINSKÁ
The Multi-Agent Approach to Supply Chain Management Optimization
[full paper]

The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamic process of agent negotiation within a supply chain management. To solve the declared problem, some methods to perform negotiation are proposed. Agents will be able to flexibly choose strategies while negotiating. Both of the own and global criteria are included within agent deliberation. A model of the negotiation of 3 agents, which has been developed on the basis of the discussed theories, is presented. The model is applicable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) and other applications, where negotiation is necessary, and/or useful.

Ján PARALIČ - Tomáš SABOL - Marián MACH
Advanced Knowledge Technologies for e-Government
[full paper]

There are a growing number of e-Government portals and solutions available today. But what the users lack in particular is a customized assistance – help that meets the individual situation and competence [15]. In this paper, a system called Webocrat will be presented as an attempt to shift e-Government portals toward this direction, providing various knowledge technologies as its core components [13]. 
The Webocrat system applies a knowledge-based approach [6]. Information of all kinds produced by various modules is linked to a shared ontology representing an application domain. Such ontology serves as a mean for structuring and organizing available information resulting in improved search capability and contents presentation. Moreover, this approach is utilized also e.g. for support of personalization, when each user may define her/his area of interest by means of concepts from the knowledge model and be automatically notified about new information in the system relevant to her/his profile.
Finally, knowledge discovery techniques [11] applied on text information available within the portal are used for automatic annotation of new sources.

Petra ALEXOVÁ - Štefan GOGA - Kvetoslava KOTULIAKOVÁ - Jaroslav POLEC
Throughput Performance of Selected ARQ Schemes in Radio Channel Conditions
[full paper]

In this article we compare the throughput performance of selected modified and adaptive Go-Back-N schemes using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in radio channel conditions. Simulations were done in the condition of Rayleigh fading channels. The results are shown in enclosed graphs.

Liberios VOKOROKOS - Slavomír PETRÍK
Geographical Data Processing Using Interpolation Methods and Parallel Computer System
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Geographical data processing using Geographical Information Systems on single processor computer is going to be very difficult in consideration of constantly growing amount of data. In the recent years there is a trend of operation of these systems on parallel computers, which brings an effect mainly in the area of their performance. This article deals with possibilities of shortening of time demanded for mathematically exacting process of both analysis and visualization of variety of a geographical data using parallel architectures. It focuses on some methods of geographical data processing as well as on types of parallel computing systems, together with description of their practical application to the environment of Geographical Information Systems.

Tomasz BOCZAR - Stefan WOLNY
Application of Statistical Methods in the Analysis of the Acoustic Emission Signals Generated by Partial Discharges
[full paper]

The subject matter of this paper deals with the improvement of different ways of evaluating of the results obtained during measurements of partial discharges (PDs) using the acoustic emission method (AE). The detailed subject matter of the paper refers to the use of mathematical statistics in the analysis of AE signals generated by PDs. 
The results presented are connected with repeatability tests on the selected descriptors which make the identification of basic PD forms possible.

Tomasz BOCZAR - Pawel FRĄCZ
Evaluation of the Influence of the Parameters of the Propagation Path of the Acoustic Emission Pulses Generated by Partial Discharges on the Results of Their Frequency Analysis
[full paper]

This paper presents the results of frequency analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) pulses generated in a setup modeling multisource partial discharges (PDs) of the multipoint – grounded plane type with a pressboard insulation layer placed between electrodes, which were obtained after the change of the parameters of the propagation path of the AE waves emitted and at the place changes of their registration. Within the research carried out, the influence of the insulation barrier made of melamine resin and additional transformer winding were analyzed, which were placed on the propagation path of the AE signals generated by PDs. The analysis carried out also included the evaluation of the mounting place and type change of the measuring transducer on the amplitude and energy density spectrum runs and the values of the descriptors connected with them. Finally, a comparative analysis of the descriptor values making the identification of basic PD forms possible, which were determined at the changes of the parameters under study, was carried out.

Václav BOČEK
Rise of Partial Discharges in the Wall Bushing and Their Elimination
[full paper]

Users of the wall bushing type IBS 12,5/22p63 complain of an electromagnetic interference by partial discharges. This wall bushing have nominal voltage 35 kV and nominal current 1000 A. We made some models of electrostatic field inside the bushing and around it by means of the method of finite elements. We have used two software for studying this electrostatic field – robust professional software MARC and more simple QuickField. We found the locations where the partial discharges were created. The possibilities of elimination of the partial discharges were proposed as follows: change of the inductive capacity of the cement, increase of the cement conductivity, semiconducting varnish among the middle ribs, increase of the assembly hole to 170 mm, chamfer of the edge and increase of the conductivity coat. This paper consist of comparation of calculated values of electrostatic field for proposed eliminations of partial discharges with values of electrostatic field for current configuration and for possibility of failure of the zinc coat in both foreheads.

Miroslav GUTTEN
The Short-Circuit Strain of the Power Transformers Windings
[full paper]

Power transformers are key equipment for transfer and distribution of the electric power. Considering the significance of the power transformers in the electric system, their price and possible damages occurred by accidents, it is necessary to pay attention to their higher prevention. 
Power transformers must be designed so, that the effect of short-circuits currents, which can emerge in the place, will not start up on them the destruction or the deformation of the electric, mechanical or thermal character. Except for permanently deformation results of the effects of short-circuit current come to also by correct dimensioning of electric equipment to progressive ageing, which can make worse his mechanical properties. 
Norms define dimensioning of transformers for the intensity of short-circuit currents, but do not define theorems for the number of short-circuits, which are able to withstand in failure-free operation. 
The paper deal with the decrease of mechanical strength of windings because of the thermal effects of short-circuit currents and table the consideration for further workmanship of dimensioning for determination of the limited number of short-circuits of power transformers.
Various authors experimentally have defined the decrease of material in dependence from the temperature and the time. Big deviations are among the feature curves and the measurement method data are often missing, especially about that, whether for the time of conductor thermal strain was taken in account the elapsed short-circuit duration time, or the real time of thermal strain with some temperature. 
With the view of the conservation of the most authentic shape of decrease of mechanical strength after short-circuit, we must keep the basic thermal principles of conductor’s material, which are established for exponential decay of refrigeration curves.

Ladislav MUSIL
Simplified Equivalent Circuit of Electrodynamic Feeder in Heating and Pumping Regimes
[full paper]

Magnetohydrodynamic feeders of molten metals represent important devices for accurate dosing of conductive material. Design of these relatively expensive devices has to be based on reliable numerical models. Simulation of their behaviour in various operational regimes (heating, pumping) represents a complicated coupled task characterised by interaction of nonstationary electromagnetic, temperature and flow fields. Sometimes, however, their operation can be studied by means of the equivalent circuit representation. The paper deals with finding parameters of this circuit and their dependence on selected geometrical dimensions of the electrodynamic feeder for liquid zinc. The analysis is supplemented with an illustrative example and discussion of the results.

Dynamic Security Assessment in the Open Market Environment
[full paper]

This paper deals with the perspectives and implementation of dynamic security assessment in the open market environment. Traditionally, preventive and corrective dynamic security measures have been developed from numerous off-line simulations. Recently, on-line security assessment tools have been developed a few of which have found their way to real system implementation. These tools differ in the methodology but they share the same concepts and fundamental blocks. This paper describes on-line dynamic security assessment methods as a part of the remedial stability control determination.



    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic

    Reg. No.: EV 2921/09,
    thematic group B1,
    ISSN 1335-8243
    The editorial board assumes no responsibility for damages suffered due to use of acts, methods, products, instructions for use or other ideas published by the article authors whatsoever.
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